Category Archives: Math

Math Monday: Numbers 1โ€“100

One of our math goals this year for our 1st graders is learning to count to 100 as well as more awareness of number relationships such as counting by twos, by fives and by tens.

I was playing around on my computer one day working on a 1โ€“100 chart. I had found plenty on-line, but none of them looked the way I wanted. I had a vision that the chart I had for our 1st graders would visually convey that all of the 7s numbers such as 7, 17, 27 and so on all end in 7. And the same for 4s and 9s and … well you get the idea. But I could not find one like that.


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Homeschool Happenings: {Math Instruction Term 1}

I liked the post about our History/Geography 1st Term accomplishments so much for record-keeping purposes and motivational purposes to keep on keeping on that I decided to do something similar for math concepts I have taught the children in Term 1 (first 12 weeks of school).

5ADayMap2012The graphic above is one page of my 5-A-Day map as I call it. This is where I list the concepts from Math on the Level that I will use on each student’s 5-A-Day pages each day. The concepts in bold have already been taught, but either are not mastered or are ones I feel they need to continue practicing on a regular basis (could be daily, weekly or even bi-weekly).

I hope to do more of these posts for other subjects. I know I’m probably the only one reading them, but part of the reason I blog is to document what we do for our family journal.

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A {Proverbial} Day in My Life: Installment 1

I thought this might be fun.
I put “proverbial” because the photos were not all taken on 1 day, though all have been taken this week.

๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Here we go.

One night the Prez was trying to figure out which prescription ointment went with which skin ailment, he decided a Sharpie was what we needed.

In the last couple of months, we’ve had staph infections of varying natures. Mo struggles with on-going staff infections. Long story short, he got an MRSA infection on his finger from an infected splinter wound, and has had bouts with it ever since.

They tend to crop up mostly on his face and other unmentionable places … ahem.

So, now the Prez has his own staph infection cream. And we have some eczema cream. And some itch cream. And even cream for folliculitis.ย  Oh and how could I forget the cream that we are supposed to put around Li’l Bro’s BAHA site 3 times a day. What? Did I mention the BAHA has already gone back for a repair–because it keeps falling off. Yeah. Not good. Back to the ointments.


While taking said photo, I thought it would be fun to snap a photo of my “retreat.”



When we bought this house more than 11 years ago now, we loved the jacuzzi tub in the {then} spare downstairs master suite. A few years ago, we moved to the downstairs master and renovated the bath, but we kept the tub. Isn’t it neat?

Except now the edge that I envisioned surrounded by candles and whatnots is instead cluttered with Aquafor Baby Wash, Kids’ 2-n-1 Body & Hair Wash, a basket of bath toys, and ONE LONE candle. ๐Ÿ™‚

And our small drawer for toothpaste and brushes … is FULL to overflowing. ๐Ÿ™‚


Instead of running upstairs with the three littles for tooth brushing, it is just easier to take care of this in our downstairs bath. So I have quite the array of toothbrushes too … some of which {might} need to be replaced.


We do have another half-bath downstairs but most of us don’t go in there … the boys tend to use it … and well, enough said. If we know company is coming, it gets cleaned and the fear is put into said boys to GO UPSTAIRS. Thank you.

But you know, even with my “quiet retreat” no longer so quiet or retreatish, I wouldn’t change a thing. One of these days, I’ll look for one of those little toothbrushes and wonder where all of the little people who claimed them are … and they will be too big to use Momma’s bathroom anymore (as our 3 big boys have become). So it is all good.

I just want to remember.

Sniff, sniff.

OK, moving on to today. I snapped some photos here and there. I really should have taken one of the laundry room, but honestly it is always the same. Lots of clothes needing washed, others needing sorted for giving away, yet more awaiting stain management, and still more that need to be taken to the living room for sorting and folding and finally, putting away.

And have I mentioned before that our two oldest boys do ALL OFF their laundry. Mo mostly does, though he has been known to slip more than a few articles of his clothing into our community laundry bins in the laundry room where mine, the Prez and the littles clothes are sorted. While I’m talking laundry, I do have a three-compartment laundry sorter, so that when I do wash it is already sorted by whites, lights and darks. Even the littles know how to sort, of which I am quite proud.

I will add a photo of my laundry room because it seems everyone is doing it LOL and I think I want to remember what it was like … when someday I’m not doing laundry for 8. ๐Ÿ™‚

But today I snapped the following photos just as I walked by various stuff.

Someone always has shoes laying somewhere. No matter how easy we make it to PUT THEM AWAY please. Did you know that at any given time we could have a pile of 16 shoes … if everyone left theirs laying out?

How about that? Stuff that STILL NEEDS to be put away from our China Trip … that we arrived home from almost 2 months ago.


And this. Our living room always looks like this in one way or another. Stuff. Out. Actually the small pile of laundry you see there is NOTHING. It is usually a MOUNTAIN. Only reason it is not is because it is all awaiting my attention. Can y’all tell I have a preoccupation obsession fear of the laundry?

Amidst the taking care of stuff like laundry, we do manage to get a fair bit of schooling done each day. I choose to look at the big picture. ๐Ÿ˜‰

But here are some views from today in our school … with a little explanation.

Li’l Miss found a caterpillar and we decided to cage the creature to see if he/she would show us metamorphosis. To our delight {and my surprise}, he/she has made a cocoon (we think it is a moth in a cocoon rather than a butterfly in a chrysalis). We shall see.


The creature is in the white cocoon/chrysalis on the back of the habitat. And we have another one in there of the same variety who appears to be favorable for metamorphosis as he/she is eating like crazy (they do this right before going in their cocoon/chrysalis) and also has developed an affinity for the ceiling of the habitat.

And here are some photos {from yesterday} when we found the second little caterpillar, who as I mentioned above is now in the habitat as well.



And someone did cry again because she wanted to HOG the creature and not share. Sorry Grammy but she has to learn to share, and she didn’t cry for long because one of her big brothers scooped her up … have I mentioned how spoiled she is by her 3 biggest brothers?!?


“Mommy, he is getting too close to my face!”


Note that Li’l Bit didn’t mind this little guy crawling ALL OVER HER. She loved it in fact. He is crawling on her shirt and then crawls all the way around her back to the front again!



I don’t know who is cuter … the caterpillar or the baby girl!


OK, it is the baby girl but isn’t he a cute little caterpillar? And he was so kind to them!
At this point, she is getting mad because I’m telling her she has to let Sissy have another turn with the caterpillar.

Moving on to other scenes from today (or one day this week). Curly is working on the Fly Fishing Merit Badge and used his own money he had been saving to buy himself a fly fishing rig. He practices every single day. And is researching like crazy for it. I’m very proud of him.




Speaking of Curly, I have been after him to keep practicing speed typing skills. He has not been honoring his mother in this request. So the other night, he came and found me on the couch on my laptop and asked “what in the world are you doing?” I was typing away and my palms were sweating and I was saying “DON’T SAY A WORD! I am taking a typing test!”

He may have laughed out loud at me.

After I finished my speed test (and got 71 WPM–oh yeah!), his curiosity was peaked. SUCCESS. You see, that was my plan all along. He attempted to take the test and did very poorly.

He said forget it, but I said “Let me ask you a question.” He says “OK.” I say, “Son, what if you have the job as a designer at LEGO in Denmark all but wrapped up, but the interviewer says ‘Oh, by the way, you do know how to speed type right?'”

He looks at me, rolls his eyes, and says, “Where are the lessons on that site you were telling me about a minute ago?”

SUCCESS. I found him at the computer at one point today taking a typing lesson.


And in other events today, I took some photos from math lessons with the littles … Yes all three as one certain little was on my back! {Yes I’m wearing her more and she is loving it, and if she is whining, wearing her for half an hour or so always does the trick.}
And no, she doesn’t always have her bottle … but she does have it sometimes. Like after breakfast, before nap, maybe one more in the late afternoon, and of course one before bed. Thing is though, she eats GREAT and a lot and is gaining weight .. and to be honest, I give her almond milk and water it down a bit … so it is all good. And she likes her bottle and that makes Momma happy.

And I suppose Momma is partly to blame for the spoiling too huh?!

OK, back to the actual math lesson.

Making addition equations while reading Hershey’s Addition book.



And a little follow-up copywork in their math notebooks.

Next up was a fractions lesson with Larry. Have I mentioned … yeah, I have. Fractions with Larry is kind of like getting one’s teeth pulled without any pain management. ๐Ÿ™‚


I told him we’d use 10 of the “Game” cards and see who wins–me or him. If he gets the correct answer, he keeps the card. If not, Momma gets the card. Fair enough.

Do you see the question?

“Son, remember, if the numerator is the same, and the denominator is different, the one with the smaller denominator is ALWAYS LARGER IN SIZE. Remember, like cutting a pizza in slices?”

“OH, yeah, definitely. I remember.”

“OK, then, let’s play.”

Please note that I also allowed him the use of manipulatives (thanks M!).


About that card above?
Yeah, Momma got that card.

And promptly did this, to which Joel laughed hysterically and wanted a photo to document the moment.

Back to the fraction game.


“Ah, I get it now, Mom, 1/3 really is larger than 1/6. I see it now that I’m holding it in my hand.”

And the final score: Larry, 6 // Momma, 4.
He won. Sort of. I think.

As for me, I decided I might need some more coffee, which by the way I never got.


A Lesson in the Grocery “Store”

Of course I love taking all 5 children with me grocery shopping. ๐Ÿ™‚ Actually, it goes quickly b/c I have lots of help.

I admit to missing the samples in Sammy’s Club (budget cuts I suppose), but at any rate the 99ยข icees are still a nice treat. And they are HUGE so three go a long way. That is, if my helpers actually โ€ฆ help.

We always manage to use our math skills in Sammy’s Club, but for the days when a trip out is not on the agenda โ€ฆ I can still help them realize why math is important โ€ฆ with living math โ€ฆ and my latest adventure in that.

Our very own grocery store.

I began collecting small containers while we were camping in Mississippi. I had bought a special treat for that trip: individual-sized cereal in a VARIETY pack and containing cereals we rarely purchase. Even the Prez was excited to see several boxes of his beloved POPS cereal.

I was so inspired by these miniature-sized cereal boxes, I started searching for more mini-sized items. I have about 15 items in our store so far with my eye out for more. Anyone nearby me use pint-sized or smaller milk jugs/cartons??? I obviously buy in the gallons around here!

I wanted to make the grocery store in such a way that we could have a new list each time we *shop* to keep them from memorizing (plus I didn’t want to have to print new ones out each time). But what to do?

Enter the amazing Education Cubes and an idea was born. If you’re a member of the site, you have access to hundreds of pre-made cube inserts, but you also can access a blank pdf template. You can print these out and add things like pictures of grocery items and their prices. That is what I did!

I highly recommend this site and the concept is just amazing. I have so many ideas for other things I can do with parts of speech, writing prompts (Mama Jenn recently added these). Anyway, check it out if you have active learners or want something besides workbooks.

Now I have a way to give the children a shopping list that will keep them excited and active and hopefully the list will differ each time (at least for a while) and as I add more groceries to our store shelf, this will keep the variety coming.

I wrote the prices on the cards in such a way to reinforce the different ways we might see money: 1) written out with numerals and words (rare I know but they need to recognize and understand “dollars” and “cents”); 2) with the $ sign and decimal; and 3) with the ยข sign.

I included some amounts that are more difficult as well as some basic ones. I have a small box for now with the cash (yes real money is the way to go I think), but am looking for a wallet also added a wallet for the money just to help them learn that skill (hard to manage a wallet while counting out money, but this is a skill they need to learn). And I keep our store in this basket when not in use. (BTW, the calculator is for ME to check their calculations b/c I already know these things ;))

I envision many possibilities including games for our 12YO: perhaps figuring the tax at .0925% or estimating the total quickly in his head or even factoring in coupons at some point? Would it be better to buy the generic without the coupon or the brand-name with it? If you have just $5 to spend and 2 more days until payday, what would you buy? The possibilities are endless really.

And here are some pics of our first game of Grocery Store Math. Today I gave Larry and Mo a lesson in math. We estimated our totals, added mentally, rounded up and down, and also made change. For Larry, I focused on him reading the ones that he tossed with words, making sure he identified the coins correctly which he did, and also helping him see the easiest way to pay (he was sometimes trying to make 50 cents with 5 dimes). I explained that this certainly will work, but if he has quarters he might want to use those instead.

With Mo, I had him actually making change for Larry’s purchases and also gave him a very small timeframe to pay for his items. He came through with the correct amount and asked if he could actually keep the Kool*Aid packet. I caved after our lesson and let him and Larry make a pitcher of the stuff. It was a great way to reinforce why learning to use measuring tools (see yesterday’s post) is important.
