We’ve had our fair share of summer schooling, and we’ve had our fair share of summer lovin’ fun! The two phrases don’t seem to be synonymous with some of my students!
I love to find ideas on Pinterest. The key is to actually implement or at least try out those ideas. The two I’ll share more about below actually worked and are some I’ll keep in my bagbin of tricks for my official PreK sweetie.
Pattern Block Examples
The pin I originally saw suggested using pattern blocks to make animals, shapes, etc. and take photos of them. Then take those photos and create an example book for your student to follow and hopefully be inspired to make their own.
Here is my example:
And here is one Li’l Bit, age 4, created all by herself! A lion she told me! I’m very impressed!
We will make some more and hopefully print them out as photos and tuck them into a 4 x 6 photo book. Couple that with the magnetic pattern blocks for an instant and engaging center!
ABC Games
In the next series of photos I’ll share about, Li’l Bit is using a resource I created to use with our beloved 10-pocket business card-sized page protectors. This focuses on the ABCs and their beginning sounds.
I saw an idea on Pinterest and knew our ABC business cardswould be perfect for implementing it. One of the things I love about the size of these resources I create is that I can fit more on a page than using the standard 4 to a page or 6 to a page plus these are just the right size for little hands to hold!
Li’l Bit is placing her magnetic letters underneath each letter. We have an assortment of magnetic letters, which I love, so that they don’t all look the same. As she placed them, I encouraged her to say a sound the letter makes and she did so well!
Finally, after she placed all of her letters, I gave her the animal cards that come with this set and she placed those according to the beginning sound of each one. She did great with this too, and I helped her as needed with the ones she had left which she wasn’t so sure about the sounds.
In addition to the letter cards in uppercase and lowercase, this Alphabet resource includes beginning sound object cards, cards with the names of the animals and objects as well as 4 different game boards to use with the cards!
This game above could be played in so many ways! Pull out some letter flashcards or try out my Alphabet Plus Beginning Sounds Cards and Games to encourage your young learner to explore the sounds the letters make!
PLEASE share in the comments! Have you discovered any engaging and educational ABC activities this summer?