To all my friends near and far, friends that I’ve known for years and friends that I’ve just found, to family both near and far, to family we will see this Christmas and to those we will miss, I wish you all a Merry Christmas from our family to yours! And to those who have sent us your beautiful cards, please know I took this task off my to-do list this year.

Lovely picture, lovely family!! Hope 2015 has fun new adventures for all of us.
Dear Leslie, it is me, Naomi, and I am so excited to find your blog and see this picture of your family after so long! Wow they are all growing up so quickly!!! I am so glad you are blogging still, something I would love to get back into again one day. I would love to catch up with you. I tried emailing some time back but I don’t think I have your right email. Mine is the same, if you want to connect again. We are back in the UK after a few months in Israel! Love to stay in touch!!!
love you dear friend!!! Can you believe it has been over four years since we came to TN?!!!!