I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday this week, and I’m sharing 5 Random Things in no particular order. Come on an link up too!
1. I made business cards for my 3-day trip to Las Vegas soon for the Teachers Pay Teachers conference. I CANNOT WAIT! Besides meeting so many sellers I have become friends with virtually and going to session led by TOP sellers on the site, it will also be a little getaway for the Prez and myself. The last time we went away together was in November 2011 for a 2-night camping trip nearby. We are both excited!!!
Besides loving my little card, I also ventured into the world of QR codes, and made some for my store and blog. It is the little things that excite me LOL!
2. I celebrated my 41st birthday on June 5. Would you believe this selfie below is the only photo of me on my birthday? It is kind of fitting because I’m never in photos as I’m the one always taking them. I had been out in the POURING rain with our two oldest sons trying to get the chickens fed and making sure they weren’t washing down the hillside!
Oh, and my eldest son made me pancakes for breakfast, which was so SWEET of him! He is so kindhearted and thoughtful, and he isn’t a bad cook either!
3. I never tire of seeing these little shoes lined up at the back door and taking three little people (and three big people) to the creek with me! We are so blessed to have a creek we can go to and swim in that is clean and relatively safe. I mean, we do see water snakes and an occasional piece of junk that has washed in from somewhere, but it is a great place to play and cool off! We go every afternoon that it isn’t raining!
4. We have a little country store/restaurant nearby that has catfish on Friday nights, and we go about once every couple of months. It is fun and makes me think of what it might have been like to live in a different time. Life seems so much slower there in a really good way.
5. It is hard to imagine before you go, but I really miss these kids so much (and their caregivers too) in western China. If you ever want to go and visit orphans and meet some of the greatest little children in the world, just ask me how or go {here} and read more about how to go yourself! It is a life-changing experience that you won’t regret!

Your business cards look great! The QR codes are a nice touch. We have a little creek that runs right by our house. It is clean and great for wading and splashing in, but just not deep enough for swimming. That looks like a lot of fun!
Polka Dot Lesson Plans
I love reading your posts! I check every few days to see if there is a new one! We have three sons, two from China, and one waiting for us in China. Your family is very inspiring! God bless 🙂
Christine, thank you so much for sharing! I hope you are able to travel soon! I miss China so much! I have been home now for 23 days now and I long to go back. There will not be anymore children coming home to us (which make me more than a little sad), but I hope to go back again and again to visit orphans there (and their caregivers). Thank you so much again for commenting and letting me know you enjoy the blog! 🙂