Category Archives: On My iPhone

Summer Snapshots

I have taken quite a few photos (mostly on the iPhone), but I don’t want to wait on posting or I know they will get buried on page 5 of my flickr photostream!

So, without further ado, some of our summer learning pursuits. Our local co-op has a saying: “The world is our classroom.” I think that just about sums these photos up!

Playing with an old friend!




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Pinterest-Inspired Idea Done: SHOE TYING BOARD

Why oh why did I not do this sooner???

I just didn’t. That is why. Post over.

No, seriously, I meant to and then we were packing and well, life just got in the way.


Thing is though, my sweet 8-year-old son still couldn’t tie his shoes (or his swim trunks!). And it was really starting to bother him, which in turn really bothered his Momma. So, I had to do something.

One morning, I grabbed some cardboard salvaged from packaging and decided to try out an idea I had pinned months ago.


And within MINUTES, he was tying not only the laces on the board but his shoes as well!!!


Months of trying and then weeks of not trying and wondering if he would ever be able to do it … and within minutes of creating such a SIMPLE exercise for him … he could TIE HIS SHOES!!!


He was so proud by the way that he asked me to post “on your blog WITH the photos!” So here I am albeit a couple of weeks later posting about it.

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Lessons Learned While Packing

1. We have way too much stuff.


2. No amount of whining (on my part or my kids) changes the fact that I have to get it done (with or without help from said kids or anyone else). I will add some of those said kids have been much more helpful than others, which is usually the case as certain ones think hard work is for other people. All we can do is present the lesson, right? We can’t learn it for them.


3. Jealousy (over those who actually have movers to pack their stuff) does not help my current situation.


4. I really am never moving again, but if I do, I’ll be sure to have my EASY button handy.


5. The pool and a pool party for a certain Li’l Bro’s 8th birthday earlier this week is a nice diversion.


6. The deeper you get into the endeavor, the easier it is to throw stuff in the “get rid of” pile (whether by way of the thrift store or the garbage can). And taking photos of the inside of a rose at close range reveals there is often more than meets the eye.


7. Little dates on the calendar such as one’s 40th birthday do not slow down the progress that must be made if we are in fact going to move a week from today (which is looking doubtful for the things that are yet to be packed).

Happy 40th Birthday to me today.



Pinterest-Inspired Workspace!

I wasn’t sure it could be done, but I saw the idea of using two Closet*maid 9-cube Cubeicals and an upcycled tabletop to make a workspace for two and had to try it! Besides, they were on sale last week at TarJay!


I needed a larger space for our two second graders to work this year. Bless them they have been working at a small table my Dad built our oldest son years ago. The table is still nice, but they outgrew it awhile ago. Now that same little table has a new purpose: a tot school spot for our three-year-old DD. I need to work on her cabinet (e.g. trays to go inside and new inserts for doors of corkboard/magnet/chalkboard?). She is already showing lots of interest in learning through play!


Enter Pinterest for that new space for our rising second graders.
Plus two 9-cube organizers from Tarjay (I got mine on sale last week; not sure they are worth full price).
Plus a tabletop Grammy found at a Habitat for Humanity store.

Two bar stools with cushions that will be coming from our old house.
And some manual labor (Grammy and I put the 9-cubes together while Papa and the Prez stabilized it all so our children can work safely).

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Handwriting with the Littles: July 2012

Just a record of handwriting progress for Li’l Bro and Li’l Miss. They are now writing Uppercase and Lowercase letters. Love these books I got from Miller Pads and Paper at our Homeschool Expo.

I found used copies of Draw Write Now Books 2 and 3, which fit nicely alongside our SCM History Module 5 (which is a family-based history course using primarily living books). With SCM, read aloud from some of the books to the children together, and then each of them has separate books to read on their own or listen as Mommy or Daddy reads. LOVE SCM!!!

This is Li’l Bro’s effort. AMAZING! He spent so much time on his drawing. And his writing is really … well, again, amazing. He WORKS so very hard as his hands just don’t always do what he wants them to do. I’m so proud of his efforts. And he is too!


Li’l Miss ALWAYS loves to do this activity. She loves to draw and color and give attention to the finer details. She has no issue using a guide and making a piece of artwork her own! She has really enjoyed using these books and says the Native Americans look like her (and I’ve always thought she looks like some photos I have in a book of a very ancient people group in Southern China whom are akin to Native Americans of North America). She of course was all smiles to show her work!



This Can’t Be Good

It all started in the wee hours of Sunday morning, Father’s Day, and just one day after the Prez arrived home with Li’l Bit after her overnight in the hospital for her heart procedure.

Li’l Miss woke up crying and told me her stomach hurt, her legs hurt, and her throat hurt. I brought her downstairs.

By 7 a.m., she had vomited and we were on hyper-alert with boundaries and germs.

Li’l Bit was feeling pretty good, but really no one has been sick around here in ages and of course it hits right after a hospital stay.

Monday morning the Prez took Li’l Miss to the Dr. because I just knew it was strep throat … except it wasn’t.

The Dr. assured him it would run through our entire family. It is a mean virus that takes hold and grabs anyone within shouting distance. And it comes a few days apart not all at once. Li’l Miss was very sick for 2 days, and last night seemed to finally bounce back completely … 4 days into it.

OK, dokey.

I’m sure Dr. M would rather be wrong, but apparently she was right.

4 days later, the next victim, our oldest who is fairly hyper-vigilant (unlike some who are constantly picking their noses and think hand-washing might be optional) awoke to vomiting and a sore throat and achy feeling.

Fun times.


And now, this is how the bathroom door appears. You better take heed dear children.

Note to the virus: MOMMA does NOT have time for you. Please leave immediately. You are NOT welcome in this house.

Until further notice, this blog will be sadly neglected as its writer wields her Lysol can, fills countless orders of Sprite (because you know everyone else needs some Sprite too for their pseudo-symptoms), and attempts to finish planning just the first 9 weeks of our school year times 5 students. WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
