Category Archives: Children

A Flower for You!

I hear this often. How precious is that?


Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. Some may say its a weed regarding certain “flowers” I’m given, but they are pretty and who is to say what is a weed and what is a flower!


All of these were picked, grown, or arranged by one (or more) of my three little children: Li’l Bro is 9, Li’l Miss is 8, and Li’l Bit is 4 (currently).IMG_1075

Hope your day is equally blessed and filled with love!



Blessedly. Busy.

I really try to update here. It seems life gets in the way. But that is a good thing, no?

I am blessedly. Busy.

Spending time at the creek with our children … and watching our oldest and youngest son enjoy fishing together … and watching our Papa try to keep up with the grandchildren, which he actually can! Not bad for 70+ years old!





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Is Spending Time in the Outdoors a Lost Art?

Recently, I read about how some states don’t allow the loss of recess for behavior management while others still allow it. I can’t even imagine the huge responsibility today’s teachers have to manage classrooms and the behavior struggles of some of their students, but I do tend to agree that recess and time OUTSIDE is GOOD for students and shouldn’t be taken away. This infographic below doesn’t speak well for America in regards to physical activity for schoolchildren.


When I informed my 14YO son, who will be entering 8th grade, that there is no recess at school, he was speechless. In China, where he attended school until age 10, they were given a 2-hour break each day plus they went outside twice a day no matter the temperature or weather. Exercise is very important to the Chinese people, so it isn’t something they’re willing to give up even at school.

We don’t call it recess here, rather we call it “GET OUTSIDE! NOW!”

OK, I exaggerate. I don’t always say that, but I do send them outside and I engage with them outside too. Like today, when I took 4 of our 6 children down to the creek. Li’l Miss and Li’l Bit made a wading pool and searched for found objects like Indian money (or fossils) and feathers and smoothed glass that was once a shard but has been smoothed on the edges by the constant running water of the creek.

My oldest son and youngest son took their fishing poles and both caught some fish. They showed their sisters how to safely grab a fish without getting spiked by his fins, and they observed the differences between the fish they caught.


Not only that, we were all out in the sun gathering some vitamin K. When we’re outside, we do wear the appropriate sunblock, but our bodies do naturally need things the sunshine provides in moderation.

We also pick fresh veggies and fruit, take care of them, and tend to animals and our property while outside as well. I don’t have any photos I can find of us playing football or riding bikes, because I’m often in the middle of the mix. My point is that I do think time in the outdoors has so many benefits.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. I know for many if not most classroom teachers, you aren’t given a choice but are rather told what time outdoors is and how long it is: please share if you feel more is needed or less or how the allotted time outdoors you and your class are given affects the school day.


July Fourth




*Editor’s Note: Our other two children and the Prez were at Scout Camp on July 4th. I wish they went a different week, but anyway that is why I don’t have pics of them like these. 🙂



Rest In Peace Snowflake

Some parenting stuff is just plain hard. I found myself asking God last night, Why did it have to be THIS one?



I know, she was just a chicken, a beautiful feather-legged lady, but still just a backyard bird. But to our sweet Li’l Miss, she was so much more. She loved that girl so much!

She was a great hen, mothering four little chicks the Prez brought home one Saturday when she was still just a chick herself. She followed them everywhere. Right into the edge of the woods late yesterday afternoon.

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We Are Done with the iPod

It is finished.

Case closed.

The Prez never wanted them. But he agreed finally.

15 months was enough.

One is broken. Two are strangely missing (actually this happens a lot). One is tucked away at the moment.

I’m certain and the Prez will be thrilled with my certainty.

They aren’t coming back.


If you have a child or have had a child who has basically disengaged with everyone and everything and is desperate for his iPod at all costs, then you understand.

If you don’t understand, be very grateful.

We have three children who are not addicted to games like mine craft and roblox and clash of clans.

Then we have another who is addicted. It has changed him. In a bad way.

The Lord has repeatedly brought a particular Scripture to my mind in recent days. It wasn’t just for me, though I desperately needed the Word too.

But I am certain it was the voice of The Lord for our son too, one of the ones whose actions and attitudes have brought the Prez and I to a place of desperate, face-to-the-floor prayers.

“LORD, bring them back to You. You say You never let go. Why does it seem like You have?”

And then this over and over again:

“Finally,brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

The iPod as it was here just doesn’t line up with this Word. It is the opposite.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know the iPod isn’t going to a part of our home anymore.

They aren’t welcome in our home anymore.
