Whether you’re new to Teachers Pay Teachers and the amazing resources there or you’ve been finding gems there for a long while, you’ll want to check out this year’s Back-to-School ebooks for every grade and subject from Kindergarten through 12th grade!
You can find the K-2 ebook by clicking the image above. Links for the other ebooks are just below the image. These books contain HUNDREDS of free resources, but they don’t stop there! Each and every page has Back-to-School tips from teachers as well as links to resources that will help you and your students have a successful transition BACK TO SCHOOL!
Grades 3-5 ELA Back-to-School eBook
Grades 3-5 Math and Science Back-to-School eBook
Grades 6-12 ELA Back-to-School eBook
Grades 6-12 Math Back-to-School eBook
Grades 6-12 Science Back-to-School eBook
Grades 6-12 Social Studies Back-to-School eBook